ePrescribing Overview

Note: This is a technical help page that is not visible to the end user.

Entities Involved in ePrescribing

patientNOW has an ePrescribing module that uses an integration with New Crop and SureScripts to legally and securely transmit prescriptions electronically.

There are 4 entities involved in ePrescription:

  1. patientNOW
  2. patientNOW Practices App
  3. New Crop
  4. Surescripts


You can troubleshoot and control data for numbers 1, 2, and sometimes 3. However, you have no direct line to Surescripts. Any problems not resolved by updated 1, 2, and 3 above should be sent to the New Crop support line at customersupport@newcroprx.com. Warning: make sure that any email with PHI is encrypted.

Process for Enrolling a Prescriber

Confirm patientNOW License

patientNOW Data Requirements

ePrescribing Data Requirements - Providers (Prescriber)